Affiliate MarketinG
YouPowered Affiliate
Boost sales by over 200% in less than no time by being a vendor with us.

Start making sales!
We drive sales to your products by the juicy percentage offers to our affiliates. You don’t want to miss out making 6 figures from sales through YouPowered.
YouPowered Affiliate – How it works
As an Affiliate with YouPowered, you earn a commission from 20% and above on every single sale of any amount made on our store through your referral link. For instance, if you drive a sale of £70 for a product listed on our store, you get nothing less than 20% commission of that sale, which is £14. If you multiply that amount by the total number of sales worth the same value or more in a week, you know what you stand to gain. Cool, isn’t it?
By our standard, the minimum commission percentage per sale is 20%. Some products’ commission might be more in percentage, but never less than 20%.
All commissions earned for the week are paid every Wednesday into your designated bank account.
To become an affiliate with YouPowered, an affiliate maintenance fee of £5 (a 6-month subscription) is required to complete the registration process after a 14-day free trial.
YouPowered Vendor – How it works
As a Vendor with YouPowered, you are allowed to sell digital products/services as well as physical products. First, you start off with the vendors registration, then you pick a membership subscription plan of your choice to gain access to the vendors dashboard to submit your products/services for approval.
We reserve the right to deny approval for any product or services that we deem unfit to be sold on our platform. If the product is approved, it becomes visible on our platform.
Sales commission are paid every Wednesday into your designated bank account after deducting 5% plus your affiliate percentage.

Worried about how to boost sales of your products?
We push both digital and physical products to the right audience that convert into sales through our robust affiliate marketing strategy, with a combination of social media marketing. Don’t just sit and wish, take a step to being a vendor on our platform, and let us take it from there.
Let’s Get Started
Ready To start making sales?
To be a vendor with us, please note that there are 3 subscription plans to choose from to complete the registration process in other for us to provide you with this services. Please see our Price list below.
Also, we take only 5% commission on your sales.
Vendor Subscription Plans
Bronze Plan
3-Month Subscription- Sell up to 3 products.
- Digital or Physical Products allowed
- Non-variation Physical Products only
Silver Plan
6-Month Subscription- Sell up to 6 products.
- Digital or Physical Products allowed
- Only 1 variation Physical Product allowed
Gold Plan
1 Year Subscription Plan- Sell up to 12 products.
- Digital or Physical Products allowed
- 3 variation Physical Products allowed